Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Walk II

I don't have much to say today, so enjoy these photos from my shutter-happy walk yesterday.  They were taken along the Thames River near Springbank Park.  Both London, Ontario and the Thames River are named after their counterparts in the UK.  It reached 24C (75F) today!


  1. Now we just need the trees to turn green again :-)

  2. Wait....London, Ontario also has a Thames river? I wonder how the rest of the city compares to the original.

  3. I like your river better than theirs. I haven't seen the city, but my best friend says the vegan food is good, and the guy I'm best manning for this summer likes living there, too. I need to make a pilgrimage.

  4. Dan, I completely agree! The first few small scrubby plants are starting to bud out. The willows also look close. I'm thinking another week or so.

    Thomas, I think the only thing similar between the two is poor city planning. It was originally suppose to be a capital for the region hence the naming.

    Kenneth, the city is alright. It feels more like a bedroom community though (even with 352 000). For many years the city was managed by people with a lot of money that didn't wish to see growth. The parks are nice but from a city planning/transit point of view it's really frustrating.

  5. It's rather warm there for this time of year, isn't it? And Florida experienced the longest, coldest winter it's had in a number of years. What a bit of upside-down-cake weather! I love pics of walks. Thanks for sharing yours and for stopping by to visit. Happy Birthday (a little late)!

  6. It sure is warm. It's a really odd weather reversal. Apparently if the Hudson Bay (to the North) stops freezing over in the winter, we could expect Florida-like weather here!

    I love walks. It's one of the things I really miss in the winter. I love the photos on your blog as well!


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