Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Seedling & Germination (Adenium 4 Days, Hippeastrum 55 Days, Laburnum 28 Days) Update

I noticed this morning that my Adenium arabicum seeds have already started to sprout. They were planted just under four days ago and I wasn't expecting any to sprout until tomorrow so I'm pretty excited. This morning only one was visible and now three can be seen. I expect most of the seeds to be up within a week but it may take up to 30 days.

Many of the Coffee seeds have finally ripped open and leaves are clearly visible. Towards the back of the tray you can see some young ginger sprouts. None of the Chinese Evergreen have sprouted but several of the Clivia have germinated. They are very difficult to see so I didn't upload a picture (the young sprouts are nearly the same colour as the soil). The coffee and ginger was planted about 6 weeks ago (really slow growth).

The Hippeastrum (Amaryllis) are still growing slow and steady.

There are still only three Laburnum watereri sprouts (two in this pot and one in another). I planted about 20 seeds so I'm a little frustrated. I tried to find the ones that I planted that hadn't sprouted but it was really difficult. Some day this week I'll go through and pick them out, then try soaking them again. The seeds were planted about a month ago.

This pot has a mixture of Quinoa and Moringa stenopetala. I ran out of pots for the Moringa so I just threw them in with the Quinoa. I think these sprouts are the largest of all my Moringa stenopetala. The Quinoa has really started to take off too. It's really slow growing to start but has doubled in size in the last week or so. The Moringa are about 2.5 weeks old and the Quinoa is about a month old.


  1. Andrew,
    I admire your determination with the seeds. I absolutely have no luck with them and I really try. If you can’t direct sow it I can just hang it up. Even then I don’t usually have much success.--Randy

  2. Sometimes it really is hit and miss. It definitely helps to be working in a greenhouse. It kind of forces you to watch over them.


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