Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lithops (Living Stones) & Conophytum Resources

I've ordered some Lithops and Conophytum seeds and I'm hoping they'll arrive next week.  In the mean time I've done a lot of research on their care and germination.  I've found the links below to be very helpful.  Both mention things that the other doesn't, so if you'd like to start some of your own definitely take a look at both.  Here they are:

Strange Plants
Lithops - Cultivation

They grow relatively slowly but I'm super excited!  I ordered mixed varieties so I should get a lot of diversity in colouration and patterning.


  1. Good luck with theLithops and Conophytum. They are slow growing, but a great pleasure at all stages of growth.

  2. That's what I've heard. I'm very excited to get them started! I'm really becoming a fan of odd succulent or succulent like plants.

  3. Hi there! I arrived on your blog after doing a Google search on Lithops. I'd like to order some seed and try growing some too. I hope you'll keep us updated on your progress. What starting medium did you use? Since you are into succulents, do you think they'd grow in one of these (found them today and it was love at first sight!):

    Looks as though some of them have Lithops within.

  4. I'm impressed with all those care instructions! It's probably best to grow the lithops by themselves. They have an odd life cycle and require different watering through the year. But putting them in this should be no problem.

    I have seen people starting them in a simple fine gravel mix. I haven't started mine yet but I have a break coming up in two weeks and will start them then.

    The starting mix should be mostly mineral based with little organic matter and a maximum particle size of 2mm. So sharp sand or small gravel should be fine. This is what most people use and should give good results. You will have to look into fertilizing though because there is no other way for the plant to get nutrients (the concentration will vary with age and time of year so it's kind of tricky).

    You're not suppose to transplant them for over a year because they are relatively sensitive. So I'm thinking about using a 'mature mix' in the hopes of speeding up the growth and not having to worry about the fertilizer. The potting mixes I'm considering (subject to availability and pricing are:

    1 part decomposed granite/pummice, 1 part sharp sand, 2 parts compost


    4 parts fine sand, 4 parts course sand, 4 parts sieved compost, 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite, and possible 1 part coconut husk or similar.

    Now the first one seems easier. I may just reduce the organic matter by 50% so it's there but hopefully not too much for the seeds to handle.

    Hopefully that was helpful. I'll make sure to post updates, and good luck with your plants!

  5. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain/share your potting mix "recipe". I'm going to order the Lithop seeds and give it a go. I was following the progress by way of pics someone posted on "Dave's Garden" site. Wow! Certainly slow growing. Delayed gratification is not my forte', but I think I am obsessed w/ these (as well as "Air Plants")!

    Your blog is like a breath of fresh air -- very attractive. Love your enthusiasm, too. Will be back and interested to see your updates.

    Have a great break!


  6. Thanks you! I'm just happy to help.


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