Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have never have much luck with eggplant.  Every year that I grow one it just ends up looking tiny and miserable.  If I'm lucky I might be able to get a single fruit.  Although it tastes good it's always really small.  This plant is in the greenhouses.  It's growing relatively slowly but steady.  I hadn't noticed now nice the flowers were.  They grow facing down so unless you get under the plant you can never really see them.  Fortunately I took a picture so you don't have to lay down in the dirt to see it!


  1. Eggplants really suffer in cold climates. I'd recommend using seed specifically bred for that purpose. I grew cold-climate bred eggplants, and even hot peppers from Johnny's of Maine this past (unusually cool) summer in upstate New York and they all produced excellent yields.

  2. That may very well be it. Our average daily temperatures are about 18C (64.4F) in June, 20.5C (68.9F) in July, and 19.5C (67.1F) in August. We have a lot of days in the 30C's and about so I was actually a little surprised the averages were as low as they are. I'll take a look at that variety and hopefully I'll have some success next year!


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