Thursday, April 8, 2010

Conophytum & Lithops Update VI (48 Days)

As always, the Lithops are doing much better than the Conophytum.  My mixed 'Lithops' seeds seems to be even more diverse than I thought.  The monster yet to be identified is stealing the show (named Larry the *cough* which was originally Larry the Lithops but he turned out to be in imposter).  He's far larger than any of the others and has lost his original pair of seedleaves.  He is already developing a second set of mature ones.

I've also noticed some recent tiny sprouts that look similar to Conophytum.  Quite the variety of seeds but I'm excited about them nonetheless.  I'm glad the Lithops are showing some colour.  I've noticed three main shades - green, blue and brown.  They haven't grown much taller but are very squat and sturdy now.  I still mist them daily and added a tiny amount of fertilizer to the bottle.  They're also starting to split along their centres into two leaves.

Unfortunately all the seedlings in the Lithops pot have begun worshiping Larry as an idol.  I think I can see the beginnings of a large temple foundation forming around him.  I don't know what they'll do if Larry has to be moved to a bigger pot.  Will the very basis of their society crumble?  Below you can see the Conophytum pot.  Could this be a stark look into the future of the Lithops?  Every time I see the big one I think of that gimmick toothpaste with the shiny things in it.

I also started some castor beans.  There are about three that have reached the "we're just poking our heads out to see what's going on, but still covered with a bunch of dirt" stage.  Does anyone else get a bunch of mould over the surface of their seed starting pots.  It's only when I recycle dry dirt and over soak it.  It never interferes with seedling growth but I'm slightly alarmed and a bit excited every time it happens (which is always a great emotional combination).  So maybe the sprouts are actually entering the "we're just poking our heads out to see what's going on, but still covered with a bunch of dirt - why iz der fuzz everywhere" phase.


  1. I'm a bit confused. Is Larry a tomato or a cable guy?

  2. Both. But also an unknown succulent that got mixed in with my batch of Lithops seeds as well as a religious idol. He's accomplished quite a bit in his short life. :)

  3. You had me laughing right out loud, talking about Larry! He really is a go-getter! He deserves all the idolization...he is just plain awesome! These pots are so fun! The lithops pot is just killing purdy with all the colors and forms...I wish to come in the night and steal that pot away from you!!! :)

  4. He really is an impressive little plant. Yeah I really like the Lithops. They're growing quickly but I'm super excited for when they get their patternings and eventually flower. I'll have to lock them away somewhere :)

  5. I was researching your castor beans...are you going to eat them or make oil from them??? Or are they decorative? Just curious...

  6. No don't eat them! They're poisonous. I'm growing them for decorative purposes. They have beautiful large foliage. They grow extremely fast and help give a tropical look. These ones have red leaves. They can grow up to 10ft over the summer but they die in the winter.

  7. The ones I found online are grown for making castor oil you use for ya know...onstipation issues! LOLOL...this must be a different castor bean!!! Hee hee hee....oh goddness...i am silly...

  8. I've heard of the oil being used for lamps but never for that. Huh.


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