
Monday, February 20, 2012

Pomegranate Seedlings Update

These seedlings just don't stop!  This picture is actually a few days old and they've grown even more.  I should transplant them soon, but I've had some interesting job developments and I'm currently putting my transplants/seed starting on hold (although it kills me because I've just received a bunch).  If you just want to sprout something to raise your germination self esteem then this is the plant for you.  It's my dream to one day grow my own pomegranate.  For some reason this is one of the most charming fruits to me.  Beyond the fruit, the trees are lovely and so are the blooms.  Instead of the logical compromise of a dwarf pomegranate tree, I felt like a challenge.  Maybe in a few years my first pomegranate will be within reach.


  1. The trees are great here. I've never tried germinating them here but they seem to LOVE Tucson. A lot of these produce immense amounts of fruits off the trees and sometimes sadly, I have to mention, some of it goes to waste....which is terrible since these fruits are so expensive in the markets. Hope they continue to grow!

  2. Yay interesting job developments?

    I completely agree with everything you wrote about pomegranates - they are one of my favorite fruits as well as one of my favorite plants; I think the flowers are just gorgeous. Also, for a random yet related trivia tidbit: One of the most well known/popular romantic heroines of Indian and Pakistani culture is a dancer named Anarkali or "pomegranate blossom" who supposedly lived at the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar and had an ill-fated love affair with his son. Her story has been the basis for everything from a slew of epic movies to contemporary TV commercials.

  3. Rohrerbot,It's a wonder that more people don't grow and sell it locally if they do so well. I sure hope I can grow at least a few to a reasonable size.

    College Gardener, Indeed. I'll leave it at that for now but it's a great position with a great company. That is a fun fact. I guess that should be expected from such a seeded fruit!


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