
Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)


  1. So cool! I haven't found any fruit since the last time I commented on one of your jackfruit posts but this leaves me even more determined to find one!

  2. Hi..Good to see your plants. I am from southern India. I have just sowed my jackfruit seeds today.. My mom bought some fruits today and we found its seeds had sprouted. So I sowed them in pots.. I am praying that they should give out leaves in some days.. Did u add any fertilizers to your plants?

  3. I wouldn't fertilize the seedlings for at least a month or two. The young roots can be very sensitive. Plant them in deep pots because they put down a deep taproot.

  4. I have 5 seedlings growing sprouting in one 10 inch pot and it's getting crowded. What is the safest way to transfer them to their own individual pot. They range from 6 inches to 1 foot in height.

  5. As far as I know Jackfruit are a bit sensitive to transplanting. The roots probably won't be too dense as young plants send down a taproot. If you can I would recommend removing the entire clump from the pot, then gently parting them. Plant them right away either in the ground or in the deepest pots you can find so they taproots can continue to grow. Good luck!


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