
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sacred Figs (Ficus religiosa) at 3 Months

This is just going to be a quick post.  Most of what I wanted to say I already said in my last post on Strangler Figs.  My Sacred Figs have been growing almost as fast.  I haven't noticed any abnormal or odd seedlings yet. One thing you'll notice is that both species of fig look every similar when young.  They are only just starting to show sign of being different species.

I fell in love with the Sacred Fig because of these gorgeous leaves and very light coloured bark.  The most recentl leaves on the large seedlings are beginning to show more of an adult shape  I'm hoping to grow some of these over rocks similar to what I have planned for the Strangler Figs.  Hopefully they all do well and I end up with some very interesting plants!


  1. Hi i am new here, i've browsed on some past posts and saw you are trying to raise more tropical plants. Maybe you really are the only one with jackfruit in Canada, haha! I thought those Ficus are growing big, what will you do when they got bigger?

  2. Oh they do grow big, but so do most houseplants. When you put them in pots and lower the temperature they tend to be a lot more manageable. Many ficus can be trained into bonsai, so I think they'll be relatively easy to keep small.

  3. Hi Andrew,

    I'm interested in buying a ficus religiosa (bodhi / bo tree) plant from you. Would you consider selling one or more of your seedlings, and if so, how much? I live in the Toronto area so I could probably pick them up myself.

    Tom Ragell

  4. Love your page. Are these photos of the strangler figs or sacred figs? Looks a bit different than the sacred fig leaves I've seen in the past. super interested, great info you've got. thanks for sharing.

    1. I purchased religiosa and benghalensis but apparently they just sent two packs with benghalensis!

  5. I have been growing both species from seeds that were imported from India on ebay. I have 3 F. benghalensis that look like they want to get really big. for sure a faster and more vigorous grower than Ficus religiosa. Also I like the the leaves better. More leathery and velvety and the young ones are red. But The photos above do not appear to be Ficus religiosa. The leaves have a heart shape even on young plants...

    1. I prefer the benghalensis as well. You're correct about the 'religiosa'. I purchased seeds for both species and they came in separate labelled packs. Apparently I was sent the wrong seed.


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