
Monday, October 17, 2011

Germinating Colville's Glory (Colvillea racemosa)

    Unlike most of the other seeds, Colvillea racemosa (Colville's Glory) isn't a plant I've wanted for a long time.  In fact, I had no idea the species existed until a few days ago.  I just couldn't resist after seeing the amazing flowers!  It's actually related to the Royal Poinciana but much allegedly much rarer.  I'm not sure if this is entirely true because the wiki entry lists the plant as low risk for conservation.  Maybe just rare in cultivation?  Regardless it's beautiful and I would love to one day see the flowers.

    The tree is native to Madagascar and the minimum zone suggested is USDA zone 10.  As a general rule it will not grow well with average temperatures below 20C and prefers a dryer environment.  This would limit the growth period to only a few months in the summer in Southern Ontario.  The only way I can keep this plant happy is probably not to keep it!  I'm thinking I'll just donate the seedlings to the local university greenhouses.

    The seeds should be scarified but don't have to be soaked (soaking a few hours regardless won't hurt).  The seeds should be kept between 20C and 25C so room temperature should prove to be fine.  A well drained seed mix is highly recommended.  Keep the seeds moist but not wet and you could see sprouts as soon as two weeks, possibly even earlier.  Many won't germinate for a month and could take even longer.

    Now I'm not entirely sure I'll be receiving this tree.  It may have been switched for Royal Poinciana which would actually be easier for me to grow.  I guess I'll find out when the seeds arrive.  Tomorrow I post about the Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum).


  1. This is an amazing plant! It would go great in my zone 10 Malaysia garden esp since the color i am focusing on is orange. I'll be watching your site to see if you get a plant.

    You might like to see my post on my blog on Peacock trees... aka Royal Poinciana

  2. It is quite stunning. What a great colour.

  3. @TheMalasiaProject, I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for sharing your post!

    @Evelyn, Isn't it absolutely beautiful? Unfortunately it's the only one I ordered that I'm not sure I can keep alive. :(


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