
Friday, April 1, 2011

New Plants!

It was my 23rd birthday yesterday and my bf went with me to Parkway Gardens. I ended up with my first air plant and a very interesting Begonia.

The above Tillandsia was $2.99 and is the first air plant I've ever purchased. I've always wanted one or two (thousand) but they're usually sold glued to rocks or some other awful trinket for 10X what a reasonable price would be. Fortunately I finally found one available by itself. The species wasn't labelled but I think it's a Tillandsia fuchsii. Any thoughts?

The begonia I ended up is one that I would never have wanted if I just saw it online. However, there is something charming about this strange begonia and how it seems to almost have a crook-stem trunk. The variety name is Begonia 'Boomer'.

Also saw my first Cordyline australis flower and this lovely Hibiscus.


  1. I recently got a little aerium with my first epiphyte - I want a whole wall of them!

  2. Happy belated birthday! That begonia looks cool... :)

  3. Happy Birthday! I actually picked up some begonias yesterday for my balcony.

  4. @ellieT Thanks for the link, those things are fun. I'd love to hang a bunch in a window.

    @College_Gardener Thanks! Isn't it odd?

    @Kaveh_Maguire I love begonias. I've been trying to find and Iron Cross but haven't had much luck.

  5. .....hi there i love tillandsias and bromeliads especially after working in st lucia...i hope to bring a few of these back down to the botanical garden easy to pack....enjoy it.....

  6. Beautiful plants! I love them seeing grow and producing flowers.

  7. Good Lord...23??? Oh how I wish I could go back!!! LOL.. your plants and flowers in this post are making me think you are in Florida!!! I have that tillandsia, but I don't know it's are probably right!

  8. Ar....! My comment got deleted because I was logged into the wrong Google account.

    The short of it: I kill Tillandsia and want to know how you grow it in a few months.

    Also, Happy Birthday +2.5 weeks!

  9. That Begonia is amazing. Now I want it!


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