Hey everyone, I have some things I no longer need (and possibly some plants too). I'm offering them free to any gardeners in the Metro Vancouver area. I may even be able to drop some of the stuff off, depending on my schedule. Those clear plastic trays are about 20cm long and I've been using them as covers when germinating plants.
I have some pots, seed starting mix, seeds, seed starting trays, water gardening books, fertilizer, iron chelate, and more. Just let me know if your interested either through a comment or on twitter.
I'm also curious about shipping plants in cold weather. Had anyone done it before? Do you just need a heat pack and if so where do you get one? Thanks.
Are you moving again? Or just doing a little clear out? I'll take the water garden book off your hands, the fertilizer too if its up for grabs. Email me with when you'd like me to pick it up. Laura@FlorabyLaura.ca