
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bloom Day July - Plot Update (Don't Get Too Excited)

I have a single Lantana flower in my plot so instead here's an update with the veggies!  I've been watering every two or three days.  What they really need is water two times a day!  You can see they look a little awful but at least they're still alive.  My plot has purple orach, leeks, tomatoes, spinach, chard, pak choi, moringa, and zucchini.


  1. I'm impressed! Watering every 2-3 days and they still look good! BTW I love the giant Hire me sign!

  2. Hang in. They'll creep and then they'll leap, and suddenly you'll be giving away your extras.

  3. @Laura, You mean my tactfully placed, subtle yet endearing "Hire" me sign ;)

    @Helen, I sure hope so. I'm getting a bit worried I won't be harvesting anything. I did start them really late though.

  4. You have orach? I would give anything to find seeds for it.
    My zucchini has sat and sulked for moths and its finally taking off. Be patient.

  5. Looking good!!! My pink-eyed purple hulled peas are at their end now, and I have started 31 okra plants! Am looking for work now also...just wish it could be on the starship testing the replicator!!! LOL.

  6. @That Bloomin' Garden, Love your blog pictures!

    @Julie, Okra is so odd. I really need to try some. What does it even taste like? I'm reading a sci-fi book right now, Reality Dysfunction, which is a space opera. If I could I would LOVE to be part of some colonization effort. I could grow the food. Oh and after a little more training, design the ship. I wish I was born like 30 years later. Maybe I can somehow become super rich and do it then. Richard Branson style. ;)

  7. My stuff at home is growing much faster than the stuff atthe gardens. The soil needs lots of improving to get the plants going. There's a guy at the Trout Lake Market who sells a homemade fish fertalizer in pop bottles that I've been using - it smells aweful but works great!

  8. @Stevie, Good to know. I might give it a try, my plot needs all the help it can get. We added some marigolds and snap dragons. It distracts people from the vegetables.


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