
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finished University!

Last day was my final exam now and now I'm done university.  It's not official yet because none of my marks have been released, but barring doing something completely wrong and not realizing it, I'm finally finished.  I have been attending school for 18 years!  Junior kindergarten (1 year), kindergarten (1 year), elementary school (8 years), high school (4 years), and finally university (4 years).  It's almost unbelievable how lucky I was to be born in a country where this extensive education is not only available but common.  That being said I'm glad to be done!

We've found a rental place for the summer in Vancouver.  Nothing is formalized yet, but it's available on May 1st.  The price is really good and includes laundry, internet, cable, and energy.  It's located about 5km from downtown.  We probably won't go for May first but if we can get everything sorted out we could leave within less than a week.  We'll drive our way across the country.  I think I'll post every day when we stop in major cities and hopefully have access to internet (coffee shops).  Yeah!!  I'll have to figure this out and give more details later.

No job yet but we have enough money saved up to live off of for several months.  I'll probably find some part-time job while a search for a full-time position.  I heard from many people that they couldn't get interviews and as soon as they had a local address they had interviews within a week.  It's understandable as saying that you will relocate does not necessarily mean it will happen.  It's risky to invest so much time and money for an interview if the candidate won't end up moving.

Below may be the last set of UWO Greenhouse photos ever.  I'll be back Monday to drop off some plants and take some others.  It's suppose to rain but I might take some pictures anyway!  The Hippeastrum look awesome.  If anyone wants pictures of some specific plant just let me know!

Don't worry, there will be lots of more pictures in the future.  Vancouver is a beautiful city with a tonne of gardens and several large greenhouses.  Yeah!!


  1. Wow, congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment. Good luck to you in the future...

  2. Congrats!

    The move to Vancouver sounds awesome and hopefully you'll get a job there soon once you're there.

  3. Yay! How exciting! Congratulation! Vancouver is lucky to have you!

  4. Grats on finishing school! Are you moving to Vancouver for good? I know it isn't your planned line of work but Vancouver has a great gardening climate.

  5. Thanks everyone! The climate is part of the reason for the move. The internet in out part of the city isn't working for some reason... arghh... So I'm in the car outside of a Williams on the other end. I'm staring at a bunch of smoke and trying to decided if the house is burning down or if someone just studpidly made a fire 3ft from the house under a tree. Little concerned.

  6. Awesome news! Hope you have lots of success in Vancouver, it certainly will be an adventure. I will look forward to following along on the blog :-)

  7. Congrats on finishing the education... I visited Vancouver a few years ago... it was a great place. Crossing my fingers for job interviews...

  8. I'm super excited! I have everything but toiletries, clothes, and plant related stuff packed. When I get there I'll go on a full time job search and hopefully will have something serious within a month or so. I'll also try reapplying to a bunch of companies with my new address. Yeah!!!! *deep breaths*

  9. Awesome! I look forward to reading about your adventures in Vancouver! You know, the Gesneriad Society national meeting is being held there this year. You should check it out.

    I learned about the whole address issue when I was looking for real jobs in the states while interning in Germany. I just deleted my address and German phone number, and I got a whole heck of a lot of interested e-mails once they didn't know I didn't live in their town!

    Good luck on your marks, your move, and your job search!

  10. Thanks! Yeah the address thing is real annoying. Hopefully that's all it is because I've applied to way too many placed to hear nothing. I did get a formal rejection email from one though! They had 150 apps for 1 job...

  11. Congrats!

    Now for the rest of your life when you are under stress you'll have a recurring nightmare that involves you being in High School and being told you won't be able to graduate and you'll fruitlessly try to explain to them that you've already graduated University.

    I thought it was only a dream I had but I was talking to a friend of mine who is a few years older and she was telling me she has the same dream.

    And now that I've mentioned it you'll have it too. Welcome to the club!


  12. Oh, goodness...I had no idea you were leaving for Vancouver this quick! Congrats on being finished with school! Yeahhhhh!!! What an exciting time of life!!! I wish you all the best. It is bittersweet to be leaving your beloved greenhouses there! That one Mammillaria is pretty wild looking, BTW!

    Looking forward to your posts on the road and once there! Drive carefully!!!

  13. Mr. Brown Thumb, that's an odd dream. I'll make sure to let you know as soon as I've had it. Thanks for the official welcome!

    Julie, we'll make sure to drive carefully. I'm contemplating dashboard seedlings. I'd soak them, plant them the day before and they could hopefully germinate and start growing over the drive! Any thoughts for rapidly growing species?

  14. BTW I didn't know I was leaving this soon either. Crazy. We thought the earliest we could find a place was for June 1. NOPE! :) Great location too!

  15. Congrats on finishing university! I hope you'll enjoy working as much as I do. ;) (No seriously, I like it a lot more than school.)
    That move sounds like a great adventure. I haven't even had the nerves to move across my tiny little country, I can't even imagine this distance!
    Anyway, good luck for everything! (And dashboard seedlings sound like a cool idea - I've always thought, if I ever end up owning a car, I have to come up with a way to grow plants in it.)

  16. I'm REALLY glad to be done school. It's alright but there's something about paying thousands of dollars a year to have your face dragged through dirt that begins to get a little degrading (I'm being a little dramatic).

    I'm thinking morning glory dashboard seedlings. They supposedly grow quite quickly.


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